Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Company's Coming!

High Season has begun at Lowfields Farm and I can't contain my excitement.  Sister arrived yesterday and everyone else arrives next week to celebrate the 4th.  As per my usual efforts for company, I put together lovely arrangements of summer bouquets to greet everyone!   I always think that fresh flowers are welcoming and make the house feel lovely and ready for guests.  

Sister has arrived! 

Close up of one of the summer bouquets

Hydrangea, Feverfew and Lavender in a tiny toby jug

Another tiny toby reporting for duty! 

Wild black-eyed susans that I picked from one of our fields


  1. Love wild Black Eyed Susans! know it's summer in NC when you see them sprouting up everywhere....I love the containers for the great to use the "unordinary" to make arrangements so much more interesting...Enjoy your company!

  2. gorgeous flowers!!
    Enjoy your company!!
